Educational institutions are being placed under ever increasing scrutiny through added pressure to ‘close the gap’ between all groups of learners. Alongside this, we are seeing an increase in childhood mental health problems and a reduction in access to appropriate services. 1 in 10 children aged 5-15 years old will experience mental health problems. That’s approximately 3 students in every classroom. Teachers are now expected to act as Tier 1 mental health workers with little to no training. This pressure cooker system has led to many schools struggling to find the right solution for their students. Psychologysure can help. We offer a full consultancy service where we work alongside your senior leadership team to conduct a resilience audit of your whole school provision. We can identify areas where your school can improve their delivery to boost the resilience of students, improving mental health and subsequent academic attainment. A bespoke package, we can offer support to key members of staff through the delivery of tailored training and one to one coaching sessions, designed to increase confidence in tackling mental health issues in the classroom through the implementation of resilience boosting strategies. We can work alongside your senior leaders to create an innovative school development plan which is derived from academic resilience research. Together we can foster a school environment where all children can truly shine. Please see the TESTIMONIAL page for feedback on our consultancy services from the education sector.